Prof. Dr. Wander Mendes Martins

Artificial Intelligence Specialist
✦ Doctorate In Electrical Engineering
✦ Master in Computer Science and Technology
✦ Graduated in Data Processing Technology
✦ Data Processing Technician


+55 (35) 9.8405-3554
Itajubá - Minas Gerais - Brazil


Professional References

Jean Pierre Magalhães


+55 21 97015-0794
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Jefferson Muniz Canto

Itech CO-founder

+55 21 99882-1473
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José Manuel da Silva

IOX Brasil CO-founder

+55 21 99904-1217
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  • Writing

  • Cycling

  • Football

  • Movies

  • Travel

  • Games

Prof. Dr. Wander Mendes Martins

Artificial Intelligence Specialist
curriculum lattes/cnpq/


Artificial Intelligence:

  • Computer vision
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Artificial neural networks
  • Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Languages & Technologies:

  • Front-end: React, NextJS
  • Back-end: NodeJS, NextJS, Bun
  • Legacy: RPG-II, COBOL, Fortran, Algol, PL/I, Mumphs, BASIC
  • Diverse Experience: Prolog, C, C++, .Net, Java, Delphi (from 5 to Tokyo), Ionic, Ruby on  Rails, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, R, Dart, and Flutter
  • Earliest Coding Experience: Since 1982

Location Preferences:

  • In-Person: Brazil, USA, Canada, Europe, Asia
  • Remote: Open to opportunities worldwide

Language Proficiency:

  • Fluent in Portuguese
  • Proficient in English

About me:

Having embarked on my programming journey in 1982, I bring over 40 years of diverse tech experience, spanning from legacy systems to the latest in web and app development. Open to new challenges and roles, both in-person and remotely.


☛ Currently coding at React, nodeJS, nextJS, Bun, Python and Flutter.

Artificial Intelligence
Front End
Back End
JS, NodeJS, NextJS
Git, GitHub, Docker
MSSQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL
English - TOEFL B1 (2016, 2018)

Last 5 Relevant Work Experiances

Various locations in Brazil including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Rondônia, and Minas Gerais.

Other Relevant Work Experiances


  • 2019-2023: Doctorate Degree
    Electrical Engeneering
    Federal University of Itajubá - UNIFEI
  • 2016-2018:Master Degree
    Computer Science and Technology
    Federal University of Itajubá - UNIFEI
  • 1986-1989: Graduation
    Data Processing Technology
    Center for Higher Education in Management, Technology and Education - FAI
  • 2082-1984
    Data Processing Technician
    Itajubá Teaching and Research Foundation - FEPI

Software Patent Owner

  • KOALLA SWARM (Python)
    Artificial intelligence for synchronous control of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) swarm trajectories.
  • KOALLA RPA (C++)
    Artificial intelligence - Program for Autonomous Flight Control of an RPA (Remote Piloted Aircraf)
    Artificial intelligence - Program for identifying and avoiding obstacles
    Artificial intelligence - Program embedded in drones to identify and avoid obstacles
  • AV2 (Verilog)
    Program to describe electronic circuit for FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) microprocessor

Published papers and works

Approval in public tenders